Genero introduced Rankings to reward and highlight creators who consistently deliver high quality results via pitches and completed briefs on the platform. Rankings are shown on your profile in various parts of the platform.
Bronze and Silver
Bronze and Silver rankings are achieved by submitting high quality pitches and/or completing commissioned work on Genero. The Genero team may also directly assign Bronze or Silver rankings at the discretion of our moderators and community team.
Gold and Platinum
The Gold ranking is assigned to creators or production companies who consistently complete exceptional work on Genero.
The Platinum ranking is assigned to Production Companies (or established teams) who consistently show exceptional results executing high budget, complex, broadcast-level productions.
Gold and Platinum rankings are assigned directly by Genero based on the overall quality of work of the creator. We periodically review creator accounts as you complete work on Genero. Rankings are assigned on a case-by-case basis as determined by our Community and Client management teams.